HIPAA Security: Patching with AWS Step Functions

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Cloudticity, L.L.C.

We're proud of our Cloudticity team members Uri Katsir and Thomas Zinn for their guest-post on the AWS Management Tools blog, "How Cloudticity Automates Security Patches for Linux and Windows using Amazon EC2 Systems Manager and AWS Step Functions."

We've written a lot about how AWS is an ideal environment for HIPAA compliance. The HIPAA Security Rule requires that healthcare in the cloud be secured with up-to-date patches. Uri designed a killer, AWS-native solution to schedule and execute patches, and Thomas helped him write it up in a clear and compelling manner.

Because we care so much about HIPAA compliance, we've open sourced the solution, so feel free to try it out yourself on GitHub..


Learn More about how Cloudticity can help you with HIPAA compliance on AWS.

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