Oxygen Release Notes for December 2018

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Cloudticity, L.L.C.
  • Migration to Trend Micro Deep Security 11.2
    • We are in the process of migrating current Trend Micro users to the latest version of Trend Micro Deep Security.  The latest version of Trend Micro Deep Security offers an exciting set of features including: support for containers, improved api interaction, improvements in event notifications, inactive agent cleanup, and automatic malware agent updates.  Along with these improvements, we will be offering deeper integration between server agent events and our support ticket system, giving you immediate feedback and potential resolution for critical events.  We will also be adding new dashboards to provide a quick summary of your EC2 security posture.

  • EC2 Inventory
    • We have created a process for gathering high-level information on your fleet of EC2 instances.  This process runs from the Cloudticity management account every 12 hours and collects the latest information on your EC2 instance configuration including: tagging, SSM agent status, installed services, OS platform type, and OS version.  We are currently using this information in our internal processes used to track SSM installations and proper tagging.   Future plans include adding alerts for new instances (if requested), compliance-based configuration issues, and outdated OS platforms.  

Coming Soon

  • Unified Server Access Logging
    • A common request we receive from our customers is to provide a logging solution that captures server access and security events and aggregates them in a single storage location for querying and visualization.  We are working on this solution now with an official release in Q1 of 2019.  We will be leveraging native AWS services such as Kinesis, S3, Athena, and QuickSight to provide an end-to-end system for monitoring, alerting and visualizing server access logs.  If you are interested in being a beta tester, or have any question regarding this feature, please reach out to our support desk.