In commentary published by the Federal News Network, Cloudticity CEO Gerry Miller championed the position of public sector health organizations and outlined IT strategies for leveraging cloud power to enhance government function. Data-led cloud migration for public sector health organizations lays out a reasonable path to achieving radical power that works well for staff- and resource-strapped health-related services, agencies, and institutions.
Citing recent Deloitte research, Gerry noted that “The flexibility and scalability of cloud allowed governments to meet the urgent challenges of the pandemic, such as massive surges in demand for services or the sudden shift to remote work.” But cloud modernization is by no means complete. Many public sector health organizations continue to labor with “intransigent operational models beholden to legacy on-premises infrastructure.”
Gerry outlines how making data the focus of modernization and cloud-transition efforts can ease the process considerably. As he writes:
“Data-led migration is a ‘do what matters most first’ approach to cloud adoption. The focus is on getting the data into the cloud first and foremost. It then becomes much easier to handle applications driven by those data, and to develop new applications around that inherently scalable cloud data repository quickly and efficiently.”
The benefits of making the leap are staggering, delivering “orders upon orders of magnitude reduction in public sector IT cost combined with breathtaking advances in speed, scale and capability. By any traditional measures of return-on-investment (ROI), cloud adoption clearly demonstrates excellent stewardship of public funds. Data-led migration is an accessible means of capturing that value.”
To learn more about data-led cloud migration for public sector health organizations, read the full article here.